✓ Often (if you’re being honest) don’t want to get out of bed in the morning.
✓ Told doctors how exhausted you are & heard the response, “everyone's tired.”
✓ You work out religiously, yet still feel wrecked or haven’t hit weight loss goals.
✓ Put insane amounts of time into your career and/or role as mom/wife - yet not yourself.

The media says the answer is to push these feelings down. To “just eat less and make yourself go to the gym!” or - the BIGGEST lie of all - “Being exhausted and gaining weight is part of aging!”








Life after 40 is not some “if only I were 20 again” saga. Not on my watch.

Cutting out all carbs, intense exercise & meal replacement shakes don’t help you wake up feeling rested and excited about life.


As devoted women, it’s easy to put a good smile on for the kids, spouse or loved ones - yet hide feelings of anxiety and stress within. To feel ashamed of our bodies. To think we’ll NEVER feel deep peace or daily joy like we did in “younger years” but I am living proof that you absolutely can.

I’ll even show you how!


Especially if you’re a mom or wife, you don’t want to admit how wrecked, tired or overwhelmed you feel → When you want to be a strong rock for your family.

First off, it’s OKAY to want to work on yourself.

After all, the stronger and healthier you are, the more energy you have for your family and the more those around you are inspired to look after themselves, too.

I understand. I’ve been where you are...uncomfortable in my own skin. Finding clothes I felt comfortable in was impossible. I was bloated, lethargic and was not excited about life.

I did not recognize myself. Uninvited pounds seemed to pile on almost overnight. I was looking at an older, irritable, more mushy and flabby version of myself with brain fog and insomnia.

Nothing worked anymore. I just didn’t have the energy to sustain the tactics I used to lose weight in my 20’s and 30’s—running, boot camps, macro counting, meal replacements and even starving myself.

If I did muster the energy, I gave up in frustration after a few weeks because I just wasn’t see the results.

I was embarrassed to go to a gym. Which was crazy since I used to compete in fitness competitions. I thought everyone was staring at me saying, “she’s really let herself go.” I literally wanted to hide away at home in my husband's boxers, a baggy tee and a glass of wine.

I was confused, overwhelmed and I wanted to fix it but didn’t know why my body was not responding to the things that worked in the past.  Doctors didn't help--they told me I was "fine" and the way I felt was "just aging." I would see super fit and happy women over 40 in the media, but I just didn’t know where I was going wrong or how to fix things.

And then one day, it all changed for me. I DECIDED I had enough and I dove in. I studied everything I could about my changing body over 40 and I committed and made the changes.

I released my Energy Reset Program to a group of 700 women and the results were amazing!

I mean seriously… Something that came out of my rock bottom place not only helped ME but was now helping SO MANY OTHERS lose inches, gain more energy and get their lives back.


Are you ready to lose the bloat and brain fog?

I couldn’t be prouder and more thrilled to present:


A 14-day program to finally beat burn out, lose inches & feel daily joy
*no matter how crazy your schedule is*

This plan is NOT a starvation or fad diet.
This is NOT solely changing what you eat.

I know that dieting or feeling deprived actually SUCKS your energy and what system works far better instead.

With the 14 Day Energy Reset, you will learn: 

  • How to effortlessly plan your meals without calorie counting
  • How to combine the right types and amounts of foods to unlock your metabolism and gain more energy while losing fat
  • Why trying to be "perfect" with your diet is actually sabotaging you
  • Why adhering to a nutrition plan isn't about willpower, but something completely different.


All it takes to make a change is taking the leap into the energy giving program ever.

From eating more food while still losing weight and changing the way you think about your food, self-care and energy, you’re going to be shocked at the body impact to come.

Most importantly, the lessons you learn will also take you BACK to your identity and feeling joyful— vs. stressed out in between driving around town for errands.







Even if you’re busy in career...

Raising kids or being a wife...

Whatever madness is on your calendar, I know something to be true.

I’LL HAND YOU THE TRUTH— The types of foods you eat (even if you think they are "healthy") and the way you think about life is sucking your energy!





✓ If you follow the plan, most can expect to lose up to 5 pounds and inches off your waist
✓ A complete 2-week meal plan for you to follow
✓ My personal set of easy-to-follow energy-giving “Nutrition Rules"
✓ An daily diet roadmap
✓ A list of acceptable “swap out” foods
✓ Brainset Lessons: How Your Relationship with Food and Visualization Impacts Success
✓ 90-day goal setting worksheet

✓Guided daily meditation to reduce stress and reduce belly fat


and... you get LIFETIME ACCESS!

Which means you get all new versions of the program!


The course is easily accessible from your mobile phone and/or computer or tablet.



Are you having trouble sleeping these days?  Insomnia is very common in women over 35 due to anxiety, stress and hormonal changes.  Follow these simple strategies to get more sleep.


Do you struggle staying on track with healthy eating because of your busy schedule? Do you lack creativity in the kitchen and find it excruciating to come up with new, exciting meals for you and your family? Never worry about that again with the meal prep training & recipe library!


Anyone can find a meal plans online and tons of different recipes to try.  You might have tried a lot of different nutrition plans and after a week or two, fizzle out.  It’s one thing to KNOW what to do and an entirely different thing DOING it.  Having a coach to help you see things from a different perspective makes all the difference between failure and success.  After our strategy session, you will receive individualized coaching and can expect to have blind spots revealed and clarity about exactly what you need to do to remove all obstacles in your way.

Got Questions?

Contact us or check out or FAQ's. You can get a hold of us by emailing [email protected]


You are smart to bring up financial concerns. I have paid special care of including recipes that are simple, with ingredients that can be found at any local store at reasonable prices. No expensive shakes or supplements here!

Thankfully, a whole foods approach is more cost effective than eating processed foods and dining out! Plus—this program is likely to save you time from nutrition mistakes that result in following programs not created specifically for women like us. Not to mention, the thousands in medical bills from the long term, healthy lifestyle it will help you implement for yourself—and your family. Not a bad deal for roughly $2/day! 


If you follow the nutrition guidelines—you should see and feel a change in your energy, cravings and bloat within a few days.  If you are consistent with the program for 14 days you should expect to lose inches around your waist and your clothes will feel noticeably looser. 


YES! Because as you will find when you go through the program— one of the root causes of low energy is hormone imbalance. Menopause is the absence of production of estrogen and progesterone.

I struggled with hormone imbalance unknowingly for years— so this program will give you the information and empowerment to take control of your menopause symptoms. In fact, this course was designed with women just like you in mind.


Yes! I will provide you with a meal prep lesson and worksheet, along with a simple food exchange list and shortcuts. You can also make it easier on yourself by picking the recipes you like and repeating them! Double or even triple up on the recipes you like, and heat them up the next day or freeze them for later.


No one understands dietary restrictions better than me! My journey into the healing power of foods (and the health destroying power) began when I was diagnosed with the autoimmune disorder interstitial cystitis in 2007. In fact, I find most women should at least try removing the top allergenic foods from their diet to identify food intolerances for a short amount of time. That’s why the meal plans by default remove these energy sucking foods. There are dozens of recipes to choose from that will meet any dietary needs. 


I am not personally a vegan and do not recommend that way of eating. In my experience, it can contribute to hormone imbalance—which is a root cause of low energy. In addition, it is very hard to sustain healthy fat loss, and muscle and bone health on a vegan diet long term. I admire those who choose to do it for ethical reasons but I feel "plant-based"—lots of veggies is great— but vegan is not something I suggest. If you are a strict vegan and believe it is the only way to good health, this may not be the right plan for you.


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Regular Price $97

Now for just $27



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