I help women over 40 lose fat & gain energy by simplifying & refining their thoughts, food + hormones using my REVIVE formula
I understand. I’ve been where you are..
Uncomfortable in my own skin. Finding clothes I felt comfortable in was impossible. I was bloated, lethargic and was not excited about life.

I did not recognize myself. Uninvited pounds seemed to pile on almost overnight. I was looking at an older, irritable, more mushy and flabby version of myself with brain fog and insomnia.
Nothing worked anymore. I just didn’t have the energy to sustain the tactics I used to lose weight in my 20’s and 30’s—running, boot camps, macro counting, meal replacements and even starving myself.
If I did muster the energy, I gave up in frustration after a few weeks because I just wasn’t see the results.
I was confused, overwhelmed and I wanted to fix it but didn’t know why my body was not responding to the things that worked in the past.
Doctors didn't help--they told me I was "fine" and the way I felt was "just aging." I would see super fit and happy women over 40 in the media, but I just didn’t know where I was going wrong or how to fix things.

And then one day, it all changed for me. I DECIDED I had enough and I dove in. I studied everything I could about my changing body over 40 and I committed and made the changes. I learned hormones control everything--the way we LOOK, THINK and FEEL and balancing them isn't as simple as taking a pill.
Even though I was doing "all the things" that society tells us to do to be healthy, I realized not only was I WORKING AGAINST my changing body over 35 with intense exercise and dieting, the way I THOUGHT was manifesting into auto immune disease, imbalanced hormones, anxiety attacks and depression.
Turning my health around through nutrition, fitness and lifestyle changes inspired me to become a coach for other women like me--because women over 35 are being left behind.
Adding to my formal education of a B.A. in Communications and a M.A in Organizational Management, I became Certified Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer from the National Association of Sports Medicine.

We are not being educated by doctors or the mainstream health & fitness community on ways we can empower ourselves to make aging a time of increased confidence, wisdom and happiness.
Instead, we are fed the biggest lie of all,
"Gaining weight, feeling old, frumpy and frustrated is just part of aging!"
Turning this lie on its head has become my higher purpose and from it, the Revive Method was born.
I mean seriously… Something that came out of my rock bottom place not only helped ME but was now helping SO MANY OTHERS lose inches, gain more energy and get their lives back.
Finally Reclaim Your Energy, Reduce Belly Fat And Get Restful Sleep.
I’m guessing life feels exhaustively hard right now - or you are "just getting by".
Maybe you:
Often (if you’re being honest) don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. Told doctors how exhausted you are & heard the response, “everyone's tired.” You work out religiously, yet still feel wrecked or haven’t hit weight loss goals. Put insane amounts of time into your career and/or role as mom/wife - yet not yourself.
The media says the answer is to push these feelings down. To “just eat less and make yourself go to the gym!” or - the BIGGEST lie of all - “Being exhausted and gaining weight is part of aging!”
Let Me Show You The Truth.
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