My son Ian’s birth was something I don’t like to remember.
After having difficulty getting pregnant, my pregnancy was normal until 34 weeks, when I was suddenly hospitalized after being diagnosed with preeclampsia. My son Ian was born six days later by emergency c-section, both of us almost losing our life in the process.
I always questioned why I developed preeclampsia and never received a logical explanation until about nine months ago when I tested positive for two heterozygous strains of the MTHFR gene mutation.
If you have taken birth control and are suffering from hormonal imbalances, thyroid imbalances, heart issues, high cholesterol, palpitations, murmurs, gut issues, depression and anxiety— READ THIS!
About 4 years ago my hair started falling out almost overnight. I became extremely fatigued (despite being in the best shape of my life), inflamed, irritable,...
❤ The 3 steps that most women are missing when working on their health & wellness.
❤ The 5 MISTAKES you might be making preventing you from Becoming your Fit & Fabulous self.
❤ The exact methodology I've used and my clients have used to go from feeling exhausted, sluggish and irritable to losing inches, feeling energized and confident.